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Head programmer Sjanneke Hendrix will stop after this edition

Posted on: 06 August 2024

The upcoming edition of Zomerparkfeest will be the last with Sjanneke Hendrix as head of the programme. Sjanneke announced today that she will stop after the upcoming edition. “I need more time for other important work. Zomerparkfeest took up too much space,” she says about it.

Sjanneke Hendrix has been a volunteer at Zomerparkfeest since 2011. First specifically as a dance programmer. In September 2019, she became head of the programme and board member of the festival.

New path

She took a new path. “The multidisciplinary programme of Zomerparkfeest reflects the diversity of our society more than ever. By visibly incorporating social themes into the programme, depth is sought and mutual conversation is stimulated. Visitors will also be introduced to genres and disciplines that are unknown to them by combining different art forms and placing them at unexpected moments and stages. This includes the self-produced openings and art installations.”


With her programme team of around ten people, Hendrix is ​​responsible for the entire programme of more than 130 acts. She puts a lot of ambition into this. That takes a lot of time and energy. “I notice that I am running up against limits. People have no idea how much time and energy is put into this free festival. We are busy with it all year round. The months immediately before the festival are even more intensive.

In addition, I founded House of Confetti in Venlo together with my partner Irene Heldens. The combination is no longer feasible for me.”

“I had a difficult start that was colored by two editions that never happened due to corona. A period in which various adjusted festival scenarios were worked out, complete programs were developed, only to be canceled after all. Only then did I really get the chance to show where I wanted to go with the festival.”

Artistic vision

Hendrix has provided a good foundation for her successor. “For the Arts Plan 2021-2024 and 2025-2028 of the Performing Arts Fund, the Premier League of the cultural sector, I contributed to the artistic vision of Zomerparkfeest for the coming years. It stipulates that there must be a diverse programming with current themes that may sometimes clash.” With this, the artistic profile is anchored in the organization. “There is a great plan for my successor to work on, to build on so that Zomerparkfeest is and remains a festival for every Venlo resident.” The board has been aware of Hendrix's intention for some time and will ensure her successor after the upcoming edition.

This coming weekend she will bring us one more edition with a melting pot of genres, sensitive strings, eclectic performance, art, raves and much more.

Sjanneke, thank you for your years of dedication and passion!

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